Hello Halloweenians!!

I am The Watch Seeker and we need to talk.

Halloween is comming and to be honest, we all probably feel lonely at some point. I know you Halloween lovers out there are getting ready to celebrate with friends and families however, other Halloween lovers out there are left in the dark with no one to talk to or even interact with. I know this sounds pretty human but aren’t we all human? That is why I have been feelin disappointely disconnected lately. This is also the reason why I stopped Posting constantly. I also want to create a meetup some day to meet many Halloween lovers and even ghost lovers as well. After all, Halloween is a celebration of the living dead.

I only post during October usually because I am honestly looking for people like me. Now, I know that sounds like what a weak person would say but, their’s a good reason why I started posting in the first place. People nowadays are more into how much (Likes👍) they could get but honestly speaking, I’m not nesesarily seeking for popularity but rather seeking for connections.

My Point is, I know there’s many Halloween lovers out there however, I am struggling to find them and I am pretty sure we’re all going through the same thing.

Happy Month of October and I’ll post more as we get closer to Halloween.

I am also a cartoon lover but that’s a story for another day.

As always, Halloween is comming^♡^

And Yess, I am a Brony but that’s also a story for another day!!!

Anyways, comment down below and if nesesary, contact me because I’m open to conversations:

My Gmail: Joshmellion@gmail.com

My Discord: https://discord.gg/a8Hfjy9

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